Friday, March 25, 2016

Karma Yoga: Maximum intensity combined with complete indifference

In order to practice true karma yoga, the yoga of action, one must work with full intensity while caring nothing for the result.
A karma yogi will be the one of the hardest workers in the office, at a construction site, in the kitchen, or wherever one earns their livelihood at. The difference is that although the yogi works with such intensity and dedication, they care nothing for the result; they are simply working because that is what they are supposed to do.
They don't hate work or love it. They do not work because of the money, accomplishments, success, fame, or other things that may result from their action.
For example, if I am working as a chef and the food that I prepare is ready for the customer quickly, that is fine; however, if I burn my rice and have to start over, that is also fine.
The yogi does not care; they are just locked in the present moment doing only what is necessary. A yogi sees that the world is an illusion and nothing is really happening, but may still work as if everything is real and of significance.  

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