Friday, March 25, 2016

The danger of "spiritual knowledge"

You want to empty yourself totally, absolutely and completely, of all so called knowledge. You're afraid to do this, for you think you will become a vegetable. It's hard to imagine a person with no mind. But, when you begin to realize that your mind is only an accumulation of thoughts, thoughts from past lives, thoughts from this life, only thoughts, then you begin to see that the mind has to be totally transcended and transmuted. ~ Robert Adams

One of the pitfalls for a spiritual seeker is obsessing over spiritual knowledge and learning. It is true that a beginner may read the Bhagavad Gita, or other books by enlightened beings.
However, at some point the desire for spiritual knowledge can be a barrier. One who thinks that obsessing over topics, such as chakras, will lead to spiritual development is not necessarily right.
Spiritual practice involves living as The Real Self and transcending attachment to the body and mind.
It may be useful for one to gain a basic understanding of certain spiritual topics, but it should not be a daily obsession. In fact, reading too much about spirituality can be more of a hindrance than anything.
One learns all that they need to know from meditation, remaining aware in the present moment, and quieting the mind.

There is no one called 'you'. You don't exist. No thing that you can imagine exists. Realization doesn't exist. Liberation doesn't exist. It doesn't exist because you've got to think about it. And of course everything you think about is false imagination. You can only confirm this truth in the silence. ~ Robert Adams

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