Saturday, October 25, 2014

Death :)
Yesterday, "I" underwent a fairly routine medical procedure. "I" won't go into the details because my health and wellness is not the subject of this post or this blog. Anyway, as "I was lying on the hospital bed in the room, "I" felt the "Inward pull" to practice a very essential exercise of the spiritual life which "I" have at times neglected.

As "I" am witnessing liquid flow from the bag of anesthesia into the IV in my hand, the thought came, "What if I died right now?" Now this was not a likely outcome given the commonality of the procedure, but still "I" began to pretend that death was upon my being.

"I" began to "let go" of all the adult "games" that we play in this life. As "I" contemplated college, my job, my family, this incarnation, and all of the possessions and accomplishments associated with my being, "I" simply questioned, "Am I ready to let all this go?"

It was a very calming experience. Simply letting all of the involvements of my being float away like waves upon the ocean, "I" felt a sense of peace and serenity that was truly beautiful.

"I" watched the nurse press a needle an IV into one of my veins, and as the mild pain came, it was beautiful. It was all the WILL of The One. "I" was witnessing this body feeling pain and being in this usually unpleasant situation, but "I" was content and unattached. The suffering was dedicated to Brahman as the Bhagavad Gita commands us to do.

I do not tell this story to boast about my spiritual development. "I" am still a beginner on this path like so many other souls. If you find yourself in a similar situation as the one "I" have described, try this exercise if the Guru within calls you to do so.

However, One does not have to be in such a situation to practice this exercise. It may be done during meditation time as well.

If you find attachments, fear, or anything else that is part of this illusory reality still has a hold on you, do NOT be discourage. This is simply the Guru at work showing you direction for spiritual development. Whatever you are feeling during this exercise, do not suppress it. Just BE with all your thoughts, emotions, etc. If you feel the need to cry, then do so in a free and guiltless manner. Use the profound energy of this exercise to face your death in ALL of its fullness while not suppressing or holding anything back.

Truly, death is beautiful. For death is not the end at All. However, life is beautiful as well. Buddha says, "Cling to neither birth or death". So we must cherish them both as the Beautiful processes that they are. God/Brahman/The One truly emanates such a beautiful illusion.

May these writings be dedicated to The One who is the writer of them all.
-Acintya Bhakti

"Rain water falling upon the roof of a house flows down to the ground through spouts shaped grotesquely like a tiger's head. One gets the impression that the water comes from the tiger's mouth, but in reality it descends from the sky. In the same way the holy teachings that come from the mouths of godly men seem to be uttered by the men themselves, while in reality they proceed from God."-Ramakrishna

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