Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Non-attachment to Coverings

This past weekend, the Universe provided me with a valuable reminder that "I" knew, but I was simply forgetting to apply in each moment. I was cooking in the kitchen at the restaurant where I am employed, and my boss kindly came into the kitchen to help me out.

To make a long story much shorter, his preferred way of doing certain things sometimes conflicts with the way that "I" do them. So he is telling me not to flip this fish yet, not to turn these vegetables up so high, etc, etc. "I" should have just laughed the whole thing off and continued witnessing the ONE doing everything, but of course "I" got "caught up" listening to that puny ego in the back of my head.

So "I" found anger, annoyance, and frustration creeping in and trying to disrupt my center. All the impurities came roaring back. I tell this story to illustrate a valuable concept. This concept is non-attachment to the "coverings" of sentient beings. "Coverings" may be defined as personality, intelligence, views, appearance, and all the other illusory aspects that makeup each being.

My error was forgetting that Brahman is ALL. Every single being, object, etc. emanates from the ONE. "I" know this, but "I" simply forgot. The goal is to train ourselves to be calm and mindful enough to REMEMBER how it all really is. We have to treat every single being as a sacred manifestation of the Divine ONE and honor them as such. To properly do so, we have to extricate ourselves from these attachments we have accumulated that affect how we treat and react to people. We must respect everything and have deep compassion for all beings no matter their circumstances.

For more information on attachments, consult this podcast by Ram Dass.

Peace and Love to All. Namaste.

-Acintya Bhakti


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