Thursday, October 16, 2014

Who am "I"?

Ramana Maharshi- "I am pure Awareness."

Buddha- "As long as one feels that he is the doer, he cannot escape from the wheel of births."

Gandhi- "To cease feeling that we are something is to become One with God."

Shankara- "It is ignorance that causes us to identify ourselves with the body, ego, the senses, or anything that is not the Atman.

These potent quotes all illustrate a central concept. What we typically define ourselves as, especially in the western world, is inaccurate. From these quotes we realize that we are not our bodies, ego, senses, thoughts, or anything at all except pure Spirit.

So if we aren't the doer, and all we are is a Pure Aware Spirit, then we have no control because we are not doing ANYTHING except witnessing this Divine play.

The "I" concept is not real. It's a falsity created by the rational mind. It is the ego that tricks us into thinking we are making choices and in control of our destiny. In actuality, there is no "I" at all. It is God/Brahman/The One/ that is playing every single role.

The One is your teacher at school, It is your parents, it is "you", and it is ALL. So naturally, the challenge becomes getting calm and centered enough to just BE. One must simply watch the wondrous role that Brahman is playing through this body that Our spirit is existing through.

The beauty of it is we are ALL that same spirit behind every human being. So every moment is God interacting with God. It is The One dropping the One off at school, or The One kissing the One in love.

For those who are reading feel free to share in open discussion or to follow this blog if "you" feel the voice inside saying to do so. Peace and Love to ALL. Namaste.
-Acintya Bhakti

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