Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Love: The Ultimate Means to Union with Brahman

"The astrolabe of the mysteries of God is love." -Jalal-uddin Rumi

"God is love." -1 John: 4

"Learn to look with an equal eye upon all beings, seeing the one Self in all." -Srimad Bhagavatam

"Those who speak ill of me are really my good friends. When, being slandered, I cherish neither enmity nor preference, There grows within me the power of love and humility, which is born of the Unborn." -Kung-chia Ta-shih

Any soul who seeks Enlightenment; Union with God, Realization of the Self, must grow in the power of Love. Love is unstoppable and has no wants, selfishness, or faults. The devotee of Brahman/God/The One must not simply be filled with love, but must BECOME LOVE. One must simply BE LOVE.

True love of The One entails much suffering for the ego, but we, who understand the true nature of ourselves to be the Atman, must not feel that We are suffering. The Atman does not suffer. It is pure being consciousness bliss (sat-chi-ananda). In this way, when life provides suffering, the Soul should merely witness the suffering and dedicate that suffering to Brahman in love.

"The worth of love does not consist in high feelings, but in detachment, in patience under all trials for the sake of God whom we love." -St. John of the Cross

Complete and inexhaustible love of God consists of absolute devotion to Brahman, patience when facing afflictions, never returning evil with evil, no self-pity, and the calm unattached mindfulness of Brahman's presence in ALL. To do this, one must see EVERYTHING for the Divine Action that is truthfully is.

One must forgo any ego-will and fully submit to the Will of the Universe, which is a Will so complex that our ordinary rational minds cannot comprehend or understand it.

This process takes time, and we have NO control over the process. One must not get upset with faults and impurities, but rather see that God is showing the soul the areas where spiritual work needs to be done.

One of the most effective ways to grow in Love of God/Brahman/etc., and it is difficult for the beginning devotee, is to SURRENDER all trying, planning, and notions of control. One should not "try" to get enlightened, but rather listen to the Guru within for guidance. According to Buddha, we are NOT in control, so we need not try to plan things or worry about how life will work out.

Each incarnation is completely predetermined by the The One who is ALL Knowledge, Truth, & Love.

May these words be dedicated to Brahman, who is the writer, the reader, and absolutely ALL.

Love to ALL who are reading. Feel free to participate in discussion or to follow this blog. This blog is but another means for Our Enlightenment.


-Acintya Bhakti   

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